Room / price
Check in: 3 p.m.
Check out: 11 a.m.
Wi Fi 完備 / Free Wi-Fi
Only available for private stay / 貸切のご利用のみ
2025 GW(4/27-5/6)・7月・8月料金
Price for 2025 Golden Week (4/27 - 5/6), July and August:
If you want to book any other dates, send us email. We can offer a discount price.
1-4名までの貸切 35,000円(税込 38,500円 / Use of 1 - 4 people : 35,000 yen / per night ( 38,500 yen with tax )
5-6名までの貸切 40,000円 (税込44,000円) / Use of 5 - 6 people: 40,000 yen / per night ( 44,000 yen with tax )
7-8名までの貸切 45,000円 (税込49,500円) / Use of 7 - 8 people: 45,000 yen / per night ( 49,500 yen with tax )
Include: All BBQ equipments including charcoal, SUP lesson (30mins), SUP rental, Kayak rental, Floaters, Beach Sunshade, Beach mat etc..
※以降、一名追加2,000円となります。(8名以上になる場合は事前にご相談・お問合せください)寝具・タオル類は8名様分のみとなります。最大12名まで。(子供含む)/ We chrage additional guests for 2,000 yen per person. However, we have futon, bed and towels set only for 8 guests. Guests need to prepare their own towels and futon. Please give us an email if you are planning to stay more than 8 people.
※連泊の場合は、2泊目以降10%とさせていただきます。/ If you are staying more than one night, we give you 10% discount except the first night.
※ペット同伴可能です。ご相談ください。(小型犬まで一匹/一泊1,000円 室内ではオムツシート・ケージのご使用を願います。)/ We accept small dog to stay with you. (¥1,000 per night, per dog.) Reservation needed in advance.
※料金は素泊まり料金です。炊事はゲスト専用のキッチン・ラウンジをご利用ください。近くにスーパー、仕出し屋(要予約)などもございます。/ The price does not include meals. Guests can use the guest kitchen. There are supermarket (7 mins drive) and delivery Japanese food (Reservation needed) around the house.
※2歳以下のお子様は無料です。/ Children under 2 years old are free of charge
Please feel free to contact us for any questions or request.
Room 1: sakura / 桜
半和室(4.5畳)+ 半洋室(4.5畳)/ 9 tatami mat size room
ツインベッド/布団 / Twin beds and 2 futon sets
エアコン / Air conditioner
冷蔵庫 / Small refrigerator
4名用 / Up to 4 guests
Room 2: hime / 比売
4.5畳和室 / 4.5 tatami mat size room
シングルベッド完備 / Single bed
シングル布団 / Single futon
エアコン / Air conditioner
2名用 / Up to 2 guests
Room 3: matsu / 松
4.5畳和室 / 4.5 tatami mat size room
布団セット / 2 futon set
2名用 / Up to 2 guests
エアコンなし(扇風機)/ No air conditioner
キャンセルについて / Cancellation Policy
チェックイン予定日の7日~2日前: 宿泊料金全額の30%
チェックイン予定日の前日: 宿泊料金全額の50%
チェックイン予定日の当日: 宿泊料金全額の100%
Upon cancellation of a reservation, the Customer will be charged a certain percentage of the total price of accommodation (cancellation charge) as listed below.
If the reservation is canceled from 7 to 2 days prior to your check-in day: 30%
If the reservation is canceled the day before the intended check-in day: 50%
If the reservation is canceled on the intended check-in day: 100%
If no notice is received of cancellation: 100%